Guest on ITSMReview Podcast Episode 10: Self Service & Automation

Listen to our Chief Innovation Officer as he explores Self Service & Automation with key industry figures; Barclay Ray, Doug Tedder, ITSM Consultant at Tedder Consulting LLC  and Eddie Vidal, Manager of the UMIT Service Desk at the University of Miami.

A couple of key messages from the podcast you might be interested in;

  • It is right that we (in IT/business technology) refer to our business colleagues as ‘customers’?  See additional post here on that subject!
  • Service Catalogue Design – this must, must, must use business language – make your self-service portal experience amazing, easy to use and deliver the outcome your business colleagues require – if you don’t know what that means then ask them.
  • Consider getting business colleagues involved in your next ITSM tool selection process, after all when you’ve deployed your self-service portal they’ll be using it as well.

Here’s the podcast:

ITSMReview Podcast Episode 10

Picture of Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker
Kevin has been in the IT service management industry for over 12 years and has an extensive background in software development, professional services, and business management. He founded Sollertis in 2013 on the core belief that people working together can achieve anything and truly make a difference both in and out of the work environment. Today, under Kevin’s leadership, Sollertis is a leading IT and Business Convergence solution provider, that inspire, coach, develop and deliver success in ITSM, knowledge management, and business relationship management to organisations across multiple sectors world-wide.
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