Complaints & Sentiment Management

Having an effective complaints process is key to delivering excellent customer service. Complaints Management for Cherwell provides a comprehensive tool for logging, tracking and resolving complaints. Designed with end users in mind, complaints management has been updated with a range of new features, making managing complaints an easier and more efficient process.


Having an effective strategy for managing complaints is key to providing a good customer experience, and fosters a culture that recognises the value of customer feedback in delivering continual service improvement. Our Complaints Management mApp provides a comprehensive tool for logging, tracking and resolving complaints, making the resolution process a more efficient and effective one, leaving both customers and support desk teams feeling satisfied with the outcome.

Complaints Management is fully configurable to the needs of your business, allowing users to raise complaints from a portal, intranet, over the phone or via email – whichever is needed. Response deadlines are automatically generated based on complaint priority and severity, and full functionality for escalations, resolution plan creation and approvals is included.

Compliment Management functionality is also included, allowing the recording and recognition of any positive feedback received, with the ability to forward praise on to relevant parties.

Once logged, users are able to create and send out first response, resolution plan and implementation plan emails out to the complainant, detailing how the complaint will be resolved. Once resolved, the ‘PCR Review’ (Post Complaint Review) feature allows the complaint resolution to be reviewed, with the ability to log ‘lessons learnt’ and detail any further preventative and/or corrective action needed.

With an effective Complaints Management solution, the profit sapping cycle is reversed, with complaints becoming opportunities to provide excellent service, creating & improving levels of customer loyalty. Recognition of the importance of customer feedback enables teams to create more effective and efficient services, creating happier customers and saving valuable time and money.

Key Features

  • Affected Business Unit
  • Compliment Management functionality included
  • Resolution plans and approvals
  • Full configurability
  • Analytics & Dashboards

Business Benefits

  • Customer Focused Culture
  • Operating Cost Reduction
  • Bolstered Customer Experience
  • Reduction in brand & reputation damage
  • Faster & more comprehensive resolutions


Turn complaints into opportunities

Our updated complaints management mApp is feature filled, allowing for full configurability, and designed to meet the needs of any business. Schedule a demonstration at a time that suits you, and see how our complaints management mApp could help your business.