Digital vs analogue: the real reason why business and IT don’t get along
Whether you call it IT/business alignment, our preferred term of Convergence, or something else, the problem remains the same: there is a disconnect between what IT delivers to the business, and what the business actually needs. Simon Kent explains.
Overcoming the culture of fear which paralyses IT
Initiatives such as BizDevOps and Agile are designed to eliminate silos and improve the effectiveness and relevance of business technology delivered. But they will only succeed if leaders remove a critical barrier: fear.
How will BizDevOps help IT deliver results?
DevOps is designed to remove the silo mentality that limits the effectiveness of business IT. But does it go far enough? We look at what BizDevOps means, why it is gaining traction and the crucial lessons to ensure a project delivers results.
Think SMALL to make big digital transformation impact
Digital transformation can be daunting. Simon Kent says that by starting small, IT leaders can deliver short-term wins which lead to long-term cultural change.
Is DevOps being driven off the cliff?
DevOps is about improving the vital intersection between Development and Operations, yet the concept itself has reached a critical crossroads. Simon Kent says it’s time to adjust course before DevOps hits the road to disaster.