Is your business smart enough for AI?

Automated service and knowledge management powered by AI are set to transform business, but as Kevin Baker explains, this combination of technologies is not an automatic panacea.

How to optimise your business IT for 2018

2018 IT optimised

With the economic outlook still uncertain and competition fiercer than ever, IT will be asked to increasingly take up the slack. Simon Kent explains the key areas that must be checked to optimise your business IT for 2018. Self-service and knowledge management More than any other IT initiative, self-service has the potential to dramatically cut […]

How KCS is making organisations more intelligent

businessman with idea

Comaround is an organisation that specialises in self-service and knowledge management.  This case study interview shows how ComAround is using Knowledge Centred Service (KCS®) to capture collective knowledge and build smarter organisations.

Why your self-service portal fails – and how to fix it

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The potential of a self-service portal to reduce support costs and improve IT customer satisfaction is well understood.  However, relatively few organisations have mastered it and instead are seeing poor uptake of self-service.  Here’s why.