The trend forcing IT departments to move faster than ever

The Internet of Things will drive I.T. departments further out of their comfort zone by forcing them to quickly adopt new technologies to keep up with demands of the business.

Analyst Gartner says that businesses are keen to exploit the automation and always-on connection that IoT promises as part of their digital transformation strategies.  By 2020, more than half of new business systems and processes will incorporate some type of IoT technology according to Gartner’s predictions.

The Internet of Things is a continuation of the trend for business to go “over the heads” of IT to introduce new technology.  Starting with cloud services such as Skype and Dropbox, into Bring Your Own Device and the Shadow IT movement, businesses refuse to be contained by unresponsive IT departments any longer.

IT departments which have been slow to react must start thinking seriously about why they continue to be marginalised by new technologies, and find ways to retain guardianship of emerging IT rather than allowing others to take control. Digital transformation is happening, the question that ITSM professionals must ask themselves is this: are they leading, or following, the revolution?

Picture of Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker
Kevin has been in the IT service management industry for over 12 years and has an extensive background in software development, professional services, and business management. He founded Sollertis in 2013 on the core belief that people working together can achieve anything and truly make a difference both in and out of the work environment. Today, under Kevin’s leadership, Sollertis is a leading IT and Business Convergence solution provider, that inspire, coach, develop and deliver success in ITSM, knowledge management, and business relationship management to organisations across multiple sectors world-wide.
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