Is DevOps being driven off the cliff?

DevOps is about improving the vital intersection between Development and Operations, yet the concept itself has reached a critical crossroads. Simon Kent says it’s time to adjust course before DevOps hits the road to disaster. 

Let’s talk about the communication crisis in ITSM

Tired Corporate Personnel Officers At Table

Poor communication has blighted the development of ITSM since its inception, yet we’re still sleeping on the value of talking.  The damage caused by the ITSM communications crisis must be reversed – and this change is an emergency change!

Is the elephant in the room destroying your IT projects?

elephant in a room

Commentators and analysts spend countless hours debating the reasons for IT project and migration failures, but the main problem is plain to see.  Why do we ignore the obvious, and what can be done to reverse the pattern of costly IT project failures?

Digital transformation slowed by skills shortage

Concept Transformation message on book. A pencil and a glass coffee table.Vintage tone.

Businesses are missing out on the potential benefits of technological developments such as Internet of Things (IoT) and big data because they lack the skills and understanding to develop meaningful projects.

Is digital transformation ruining the banking customer experience?

Old Bank Sign

The number of UK bank branches has halved since 1998, with just 8000 surviving this ongoing cull according to this piece in The Times.  Lloyds will soon add to the tally by closing a further 200 branches next year, stating that customers now prefer to bank online.

We manage customer relationships, but forget our own

Hand writing Its All About Relationships with marker, concept background

All successful businesses manage their customers, but very few have realised the importance of managing the other relationships which define their success.  Simon Kent explains why being a pioneer could give you a critical competitive edge.

Disruptive innovation more important than cost savings

Growth, performance and disruptive innovation are now more important than cost reduction and financial management.  271 company directors polled by Deloitte say the risk of losing business to competitors and the speed of digital transformation means that disruptive innovation has diminished the importance of cutting costs.